Wednesday 20 April 2016

Use of Untested Glass - Kiln Forming Myths 22

You must use art glass rather than recycled glass.

This seems to refer to the use of untested glass in kiln forming.  If you are going to use untested glass for kiln forming, it does not much matter which you use.  Because, in every case you will need to test for forming and annealing temperatures to be able to make use of the glass with unknown properties. 

Of course, people use glass that is not tested fusing compatible in many circumstances.  Float glass is frequently used in many kiln forming applications.  And bottle glass is of very little different in composition.  So-called art glass can be used in a variety of ways also.  There are many other variations of glass including handmade, casting, lamp working, and borosilicate, among others.  Each has their own set of characteristics, which overlap with each other.  The forming and annealing temperatures must be determined to enable you to use them. Some of this information is often available from the manufacturer’s web site or other sources.  Many times you have to do the testing for yourself.  One guide to help determine the critical temperatures is here

One characteristic that all untested glasses share is a tendency to devitrify by the second or third firing, so attempting to get the most work done in the fewest firings is a good idea.  This tendency to devitrify is frequently shown when manipulating bottle glass.

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